A lot of my clients ask me how I come up with my designs to create the variety of art work that I sell. The answer is not a simple one and is in fact multi-faceted. I'll try to break it down by explaining approaches that work for me starting with this post on how inspiration contributes to my creative process.
Having inspiration or being inspired by something or someone is vital to creativity. The twist of tree branch, the fusion of colors in a sunset, the texture of stone and carvings on ancient ruins, poetry, modern architecture, or music -- each have contributed to inspiring new ideas for each piece of art that I create.
This art work for example, an ink and watercolor on canvas nestled in a vintage print covered custom frame and surrounded by broken glass, was inspired by the lush green foliage we have here in Virginia. We live on the edge of the Potomac River and the beauty of the sun glinting off the water which reflects the greenness of nature surrounding it is stunning. I tried to incorporate that vision into this work. Can you see it?

This round red box was a custom order from a client who wanted something reminiscent of Washington DC. She and her husband were moving from the city they loved so much and wanted a keepsake to remind them of their time there. During my consulation with the client, she said that their favorite things to do as a couple were to visit the cherry blossom's when they bloomed each Spring and explore the architecture of city. They were both also fond of Asian art and culture. As a native of Washington, DC myself, their love for DC inspired every detail of the design of this piece -- the cherry blossom wreath on the lid of the box, the custom created "knob" made of brass, clay, and glass beads, to the dotted detail along the base (inspired by the beautiful architecturally detailed ceiling inside Union Station).

Aristotle once said that "the aim of art is not to represent the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance." For me, this speaks to inspiration - that spark of something that causes an emotional response in the imagination to capture the representation of a feeling or idea. For art, the outward appearance will ignite an inward response that means something different to each person engaging with the art.
What inspires you?